Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bonnie Bennett

Bonnie Bennett
Bonnie Bennett is a heroine and main female character of The Vampire Diaries. While she fills the role of counselor and confidante, Bonnie is also the brassy-but-cautious witch, who discovers her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. She was best friends with Caroline Forbes and Elena Gilbert. She had attended Mystic Falls High School, where she used to be a cheerleader.

Bonnie Bennett (portrayed by Katerina Graham)
Bonnie was also noted for having many heroine tendencies, namely, being repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her friends. As her powers have increased, the witch has stepped up at pretty much every opportunity to trade her life for those of her friends. Luckily, when Bonnie was alive and well, her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. Since gaining the power of "Expression", a form of exceptionally dark magic, Bonnie has become one of the most powerful characters in the series: she was able to take down two members of the Original family with ease.

Bonnie attempted to use spirit, Expression, and dark magic all at once to bring Jeremy Gilbert back from the dead. Her Grams warned her that no magic was strong enough to challenge the will of Nature, but Bonnie refused to listen. It was too much for her therefore killing her in the process. Everyone except Jeremy, Kol, Silas and Stefan still do not know of her death.

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