Sunday, April 28, 2013

There's An App For That: Lil' Pirates

Lil' Pirates suffers from such a severe case of "Cuteness Overload" that I very nearly broke out in hives just by coming in contact with it. Surprisingly however, there's quite a lot to do in Lil' Pirates! The avatars for the captain and crew are completely customizable, as is your ship and the captain's private cabin. You can set your little pirates out on raids, have them fulfill quests, play mini pirate games, unlock new areas, upgrade your treasure for shiny trophies, engage enemy ships or even join an armada with your friends! Yay for piracy!

"Poor, old and haggard Jane loved Richard from afar, though she knew their love could never be, for his heart and his eyes were set on the young Charlotte, the Captain's beautiful sister. Charlotte was trusting and still so very naive about much in the world. It was beyond her comprehension that Jane could plot against her. After all, Jane had always seemed so proper and reserved... but Jane's scorned heart was a cold and heavy stone. If she could not have Richard, then neither would the lovely Charlotte. Charlotte... must die."

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