Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I confess that I've always viewed the world with a certain blind optimism. I want to see the good in people. I believe its there even in the worst of us. Sometimes though we turn away from it in our lives for reasons that later seem illogical or frivolous, and in those moments we become unrecognizable.

One of the hardest things for me has always been making my voice heard. For so very much of my life, I have just wanted to be left alone, to be "off to the side", unseen, or just make it through another day unharassed. Because of it, my inner circle has always been made of just a very precious few. But silence isn't safety, it's complicity.

There is a cancer rising in our country, and everyday I feel a little bit more of my optimism die. We are becoming unrecognizable. Hate cannot be given a place at the table. Fear cannot be given a place at the table. We will always have our differences in thought, politics, and religion, but our humanity should be constant regardless.

We cannot continue to make "the other" out of each other. We cannot continue to spew indignation then follow it with inaction. Our compassion is never a weakness. Our empathy is never a weakness, but we must do so much more than just be a voice of kindness. We must be its hand. We must be its shield. I want to see the good in people again.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Garden Shots

"Purple in the Garden", "A Sprinkle of White", and "White in the Garden" have all been added to my Society6 Shop: (

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


June 12, 2018 marks two years since 49 people were killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

Monday, June 4, 2018


"Obatala" is now available over at my #Society6 Shop: ( #sharemysociety6 #africa #african #yoruba #orisha #obatala #cuba #cuban #santeria

Obatala is an Orisha. He is the Sky Father and the creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by the smooth breath of Olodumare. Obatala is the father of all Orishas and the owner of all ori. Any Orisha may claim an individual, but until that individual is initiated into the priesthood of that Orisha, Obatala still owns that head.